Insurance Plan

Lifelong protection to cover your loved ones' financial needs.

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The WHOLELife Series provides coverage for life and upon death the proceeds are payable to your named beneficiary(ies) or estate.

The WHOLELife Series with optional benefits provides peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

•          You have the option of paying premiums for a limited period and still be covered for life.

•          Savings in the form of Cash Values are available after 3 years and a percentage may

            be taken as a loan with interest.

•          Lifetime Pay WHOLELife

•          Limited Pay WHOLELife for 10, 15, 20, 25 or 30 years

•          Limited Pay WHOLELife payable to age 55, 60 or 65 years


Accidental Death

In event of death due to an accident, this benefit pays an additional amount as stated on the policy.

Accidental Death and Dismemberment

In the event of death or dismemberment due to an accident, this benefit will pay the amount as shown in the table of Losses and Benefits.


LifeSum Insured
Sight in both eyesSum Insured
Both hands or both feetSum Insured
Sight in one eye and either a hand or footSum Insured
One hand and one footSum Insured
One hand or one foot or sight in one eyeOne half the Sum Insured
Thumb and index finger of one handOne quarter the Sum Insured

Total Disability Waiver of Premium

In the event of your total disability, this benefit will waive the basic premium due, to ensure that your policy remains in force.

With each monthly payment, you know you are helping to protect your family from possible medical bills, funeral costs, mortgage or rent payments, educational loans and many other living expenses.

Conditions Apply.

For more information contact your TATIL Life Advisor.