What level of income will my treasured employees need to live comfortably in retirement?
Will their resources be adequate to keep up with inflation and increased medical costs?
And while your employees may be happy with their current income and benefits, saving and investing wisely for retirement is often a challenge!
The Destiny Corporate Savings Booster offers a retirement plan designed to provide a tax efficient way of rewarding an organisation’s staff.
This flexible premium annuity is designed to provide them with tax sheltered growth and an enhanced income in their golden years.
Start by choosing an investment fund based on the appetite for risk:
- Settler No Risk, Highest Guaranteed Reward
- Explorer Moderate Risk with lower Guaranteed Minimum Reward
- Adventurer Highest Risk with Higher Possible Reward but the lowest Guaranteed Minimum Reward
Then, select the retirement date – any age between 50 and 70 years.
- Contributions made to this plan by the employer/company are an allowable expense under Section 134(6) of the Income Tax Act of Trinidad and Tobago, subject to limitations.
- The plan facilitates improved benefits for staff at no additional cost to the employer/ company other than the contributions that are paid.
- The employer owns the plan so must authorize any changes.
- This plan is transferrable between employers/companys, thereby promoting portability for today’s mobile staff.
- The plan can supplement the employee’s existing retirement and pension provisions and provides a pre-tax savings solution which enjoys tax sheltered growth.
- There are no hidden charges applied to the employees’ savings and so 100% of contributions are invested.
- Plans provide employees with a full pension or tax-free lump sum of up to 25% of their fund with a reduced pension.
- In the event of death prior to the maturity date, the accumulated fund is paid to the employee’s named beneficiary or estate.
- Monthly income for employee’s retirement for life.
- Options of a lower pension in exchange for guaranteed continued payment in the event of death, to the beneficiaries, for the first 5, 10 or 15 years of retirement or for an additional income to be provided for the spouse when the employee has passed on.
Conditions apply.
Contact your Tatil Life financial advisor:
62TATIL (628-2845)
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